Challenging Christian Nationalism

New national interfaith alliance president visits iowa October 5-6

Christian Nationalism is on the rise across our nation and its impact on communities is very real – including in Iowa!

Interfaith Alliance of Iowa has always worked to challenge hate, bigotry, and violence but recently we have been more intentional about our work that specifically names and addresses Christian Nationalism. As has our national office and our new national president, Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush.

We are excited to welcome Rev. Raushenbush for his first visit to Iowa on October 5–6. In his first year as President and CEO, Rev. Raushenbush has become a leading voice in the public square calling out Christian Nationalism in our nation and in our communities.

What is Christian Nationalism and how is it different than other forms of hate? Who is impacted --- and which groups disproportionately? How do we effectively challenge Christian Nationalism in our state and nation?

You will find information below on two opportunities during Rev. Raushenbush’s visit – one in Des Moines and another in Cedar Rapids – to learn more about Christian Nationalism and how you can work with Interfaith Alliance of Iowa to challenge Christian Nationalism in Iowa communities big and small.

AND, we hope you will join us for a social gathering on October 5 in Des Moines to welcome Paul to Iowa in a more informal setting. See details for all events and how to make reservations below.

Faith & Democracy: Challenging Christian Nationalism forum on 10.05.23

2:00 – 4:00 PM
Plymouth Congregational Church
4126 Ingersoll Ave, DES MOINES

Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, President and CEO of Interfaith Alliance, will lead us in a forum on the rise and impact of Christian Nationalism in our nation and communities. Join us to learn about Christian Nationalism and its far-reaching impact as well as a conversation on actively addressing it at the national, state, and local levels.

The forum is open to all. Clergy and faith leaders are strongly encouraged to attend as well as anyone interested in learning about and taking action to address Christian Nationalism.

Reservations are required to attend. This event is in-person only.

Welcome to Iowa! informal event with Rev. Paul Raushenbush on 10.05.23

7:00 – 9:00 PM (brief remarks at 7:45 PM)
The Slow Down Coffee Co.
3613 6th Ave, DES MOINES

Join us in welcoming the new national President and CEO of the Interfaith Alliance, Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush. An informal gathering and opportunity to connect with friends and hear brief remarks from Rev. Raushenbush about the state of our nation given the rise in Christian Nationalism – and how we all can have an impact.

Reservations are required. Dessert and beverages will be provided.

Intersections 10.06.23: Confronting Christian Nationalism

11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
1340 3rd Ave SE, CEDAR RAPIDS

in-person and virtual options

Confronting Christian Nationalism
Presenter: Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush
President and CEO, Interfaith Alliance

Visit the Intersections event page for full details.