2023 School Board Elections

Interfaith Alliance of Iowa & Action Fund believes in strong public schools and the critical role they play in ensuring every child has access to an excellent education. We believe our state should be committed to focusing its resources on strong public schools rather than diverting finite taxpayer dollars to private choices. We also believe public schools should always be safe places for all children to learn and thrive, and that public policy must be free from political agendas that vilify public schools and educators, and harm children — particularly children from marginalized communities.

Interfaith Alliance of Iowa has been part of the public dialogue regarding strong public schools since our founding in 1996. We believe school board members must be supportive of public schools and not have their own political or personal agenda that would, in the end, undermine the education of our children.

We encourage Iowa voters to be educated on the issues and on the positions of those running for school board in their community. And we encourage Iowans to vote on November 7 for school board candidates who uphold the ideals of strong public schools, support public school educators, and believe in the value of educating and supporting our children through public schools so they might become the best they can be in life.

Art teacher and elementary school students looking up from their art projects,  smiling at the camera

We offer these candidate questions that focus on some of the concerns facing our public schools today. Please ask candidates for school board their thoughts and beliefs on any or all the questions. They are important because each gets to the heart of why someone is running for school board and how they might impact decision-making if elected to serve.


We also urge you to check out the site, SchoolBoardVoterGuide.org. It is a resource for Iowa voters to learn about candidates for school board, and describes candidates for strong public schools across the state as “Friends of Public Education.” The guide is a collaborative project created by Iowa organizations that believe students thrive when public schools are strong and supported by our communities. We are always honored and proud to work alongside our coalition partners, including Iowa State Education Association, Progress Iowa, Iowa Federation of Labor AFL-CIO, and One Iowa Action. The site lists a handful of districts with plans to add more as the election nears – so check back often.

Finally, we do not endorse or oppose candidates for public office, but we are alarmed at the rise of Moms for Liberty and other extremist organizations in our state — and the impact already on our communities and public schools. We urge you to pay close attention to candidates in your community and what they are saying. Ask candidates for school board specifically if they support or oppose the agenda of Moms for Liberty or other extremist, anti-public education organizations. If they sidestep the question, insist upon a clear declaration of support or opposition. We must vote but we must also be educated voters.

Thank you for all your efforts to support Iowa’s strong public schools and the children they serve.

A row of yellow pencils with one red one in the middle, the heading saying #WeChoosePublicSchools